About Sierra Leone
For eleven years, Sierra Leone was torn apart by civil war. The war began in 1991, when a rebel group (called the Revolutionary United Front) launched a campaign to control its rich diamond fields. The rebels attacked civilians including children all over - villages, towns, major cities, rural areas and Freetown - burning down homes, comitting mass killings using guns, machetes and axes to sever their arms, legs, lips and ears.  The internal conflict resulted in an estimated 15,000 deaths, ripped Sierra Leone apart, ravaging the people and infrastructure leaving all of its socio-economic and political structures in disarray. 

Today, one of the biggest concerns for some of us entering retirement is whether Social Security income will be enough to provide for their needs during those later years. Due to various limitations on the Social Security program in the USA and Europe (as well as increasing costs), more people than ever are learning that this income alone provide to fill their needs. As such, it is critical to plan for your retirement needs long before retirement through one of the various tax-advantaged plans. How much do I need to retire? Can I afford to retire and enjoy my retirement on Social Security Benefits alone?
While development in most areas are slow going, up until now housing development and reconstruction continues to lag demand for residential and commercial constructions. Thanks to a large extent for a relative calm and stability in politics, this has led to a revival of economic activity such as the rehabilitation of bauxite and rutile mining, set to benefit from planned tax incentives. Today there is hope with number of offshore oil discoveries were announced in 2009 and 2010. The development on these reserves, which could be significant, is still several years away. However, you don't have to wait or depend on others to plan your retirement. Make the move now and contact us to start your development in our community housing!!